Channel: You Kannada
Category: Education
Tags: kannada tech for you6 mistakes to avoidhow to be happyhow to be richnever repeat mistakes in lifemast magakannada inspirationalkannada study tipsmistakes to avoidkannada motivation videoyou kannadainspirational video in kannadakk tv kannada
Description: Today in this video we will discuss about 6 mistakes which we do often, to make 2022 productive and best year we should avoid these 6 mistakes. To live happy and tension free life we should avoid these 6 mistakes Personal Instagram: You Kannada: content: 00:45 - Mistake No.1 01:21 -Mistake No.2 01:56 -Mistake No.3 02:47 -Mistake No.4 03:21 - Mistake No.5 03:56 - Mistake No.6 Keep sharing keep watching LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE madodana maribedi THANKS FOR WATCHING